


The Department of Forensic Medicine was established in 1983 under the guidance of Dr. G. R. Bhaskar, former professor of FM & the principal, Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad and prof. K. Krishna Prasad, presently headed by Dr. M. Babu, MD. This department was initially started in Siddhartha engineering college campus and later shifted in to the permanent block in the new building complex of Siddhartha medical college.

The department has a plinth area of 5000 sq. Ft., which has accommodated museum, Laboratories, Rooms for staff and office. In addition to this there is an independent mortuary in hospital along with office.

This department conducts on an average 400 Autopsies per year. It also issued 1200 wound certificates, 400 drunkenness certificates, 100 age and sexual offences certificates, 240 accidents certificates. It handles 120 poisoning cases and 102 burn cases per year on average.

The department is presently headed by Dr. K. Krishna Prasad and assisted by 2 Assistant professors, Tutors, and one Non-Medical Assistant, 1 Lab Attenders, one thoty, 2 sweepers and a steno. The museum of the department has over 200 specimens and the department is well equipped with teaching aids. The department has a sectional Library. The academic performance of the students is quite satisfactory.