


The Department of Physiology was established in 1981 under the guidance of
Professor Dr. Vijaya Rama Rao. Presently headed by Dr. W Maruthi, M.D. After making beginning in Siddhartha Engineering College, The Department has acquired an area of 7000sq.ft in the new building complex of Siddhartha medical college in 1985 to accommodate Amphibian lab, Human. lab,Demonstration rooms,Library cum seminar room and room for staff

In this Department students are encouraged every year to apply for ICMR short-term student projects, such that they imbibe the Research temperament very young age. The Department collaborates with other clinical departments for faculty research activates.Students are constantly encouraged curriculum and extra circular activates conducted. To participate in Inter-Institutional Competitions. 

The Department regularly conducts CME program’s / workshops /WEBINAR as a part of resource building and scientific / academic net work.Faculty members regularly publish research articles in all scientific & journal and present their work in National & International conferences


S.NoName of the FacultyEducational QualificationDesignationRegistration Number
1Wunnava MaruthiMDProfessor & HODAPMC  -20115
2Bora Prasada RaoMDProfessorAPMC  -20044
3Sanda SuhasiniMDProfessorAPMC  -20008
4Dedekula HaseenaMDAssociate ProfessorAPMC  - 67641
5Sumangali PenumallaMDAssociate ProfesorAPMC  -20937
6Donadi AnushaMDAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 68515
7K.Mythili BaiMDAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 63139
8Yamani LavanyaMDAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 55485