


The Department of Anaesthesiology is the Biggest Department in Siddhartha Medical College with 37 Faculty members - 5-Professors, 7-Associate Professors, 20-Assistant Professors and 5-Senior Residents. Presently headed by Dr. A. Venkateswara Rao, MD. Our Department has highest Post Graduate intake per year with 22 Seats. At present there are 43 Postgraduates in all the 3 Years.

At present the Department of Anaesthesiology functions in 4 Operation Theatre Complexes— 3 Operation Theatre Complexes in New Government General Hospital and 1 Operation Theatre Complex in MCH Block and 1 Respiratory Intensive Care Unit in New GGH providing Anaesthesia and Critical care services. The Department has 32 Operation Theatres - 28 Major & 4 Minor in all the 4 Operation Theatre Complexes well equipped with 32 Anaesthesia Work Stations and 6 Mark-III Boyle’s Apparatus. All the Operation Theatres are equipped with 5 Parameter monitors, remote controlled operation tables, Defibrillators, Double dome OT Lights with cameras and other necessary equipment like 6 C-Arm machines, 6 Laparoscopic sets, 4 Operating Microscopes for Neuro surgery and Plastic Surgery and ENT, 1 Orthroscopic set, suctions apparatus, cautery machines etc..

The Department of Anaesthesiology in Siddhartha Medical College is well renowned for its exceptional standards of care and professional excellence. Department focus on Education and Training ensuring that Both Residents and Internees received comprehensive, hands on experience and prepare to excel in future. 

Academic sessions, Zonal CMEs, workshops, are conducted regularly. PG Impact, an examination oriented 2 days practical CME, conducted consecutively for 3 years from 2017 to 2019, which is 1st of its kind in combined Andhrapradesh, was the Brain Child of Dr.P.Durga Prasad Rao. It is being conducted yearly by different colleges. Quiz competitions are frequently held to encourage competitive spirit of the students and exciting prizes were given.


S.NoName of the FacultyDesignationRegistration Number
1Annavarapu Venkateswara RaoProfessorAPMC - 17059
2Natta SumatiProfessorAPMC - 45522
3Songa Vinay KumarProfessorAPMC - 36261
4Paleti SophiaProfessorAPMC - 44903
5Potturu NageswararaoAssociate ProfessorAPMC - 34469
6Thatisetti BharathiAssociate ProfessorAPMC - 54006
7Gaddam Gowri Naga Sudha RaniAssociate ProfessorAPMC - 38100
8Shaik VahidaAssociate ProfessorAPMC - 75786
9Gaddam Rani Santhi LathaAssociate ProfessorAPMC - 9605082
10Dr.Indupalli KiranAssociate ProfessorAPMC - 045618
11Dr Snehalatha BhashyamAssociate ProfessorAPMC - 36722
12Lava Kumar AndeAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 62990
13Peddada Thanuja Rajyalakshmi DeviAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 60316
14Morla AparnaAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 103537
15Seshagiri RambabuAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 20457
16K Venkata Jaya SumanAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 60102
17Bitra Sai Naveena LakshmiAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 073390
18Koracha Gayathri DeviAssistant ProfessorAPMC/FMR - 95844
19E V Sasi NirmaladeviAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 60247
20Muthukur PriyankaAssistant ProfessorAPMC/FMR - 85030
21Mydavolu Venkata Sai CharanAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 86396
22Dr Pavani BussaAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 67014
23Malapolu NeerajaAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 50995
24Pallepogu DeepakAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 70715
25Dr.Dodlu Aruna PriyaAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 63096
26Shaik AyeshaAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 86521
27Bezawada Praveen GandhiAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 83920
28Devara SushmaAssistant ProfessorAPMC/FMR - 81600
29Puppala LakshmiAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 57901
30Durga Aparna LakkojuSenior ResidentAPMC/FMR - 99171