


The Department of Anatomy in Siddhartha Medical College was started in the year 1981 in the campus of Siddhartha Engineering College with intake of 100 undergraduate medical students. The department was shifted to the present campus in 1983. The anatomy department museum is there since the establishment of department from 1983. It is well equipped with specimens of gross anatomy, embryology, osteology and comparative anatomy. The first
Head of the Department was Dr K.R.Pandalai, from Feb 1981 to Dec 1983. Presently headed by Dr. R. Chitra.

In this Department under graduates are taught regional anatomy, dissections, applied anatomy, human genetics, histology as per CBME Curriculum from 2019. Paramedical courses like BSc MLT, BSc Optometry, BSc Anaesthesia and BSc Nursing are also taught in the department. Two postgraduate admissions for Anatomy Department were started in 2002. 22 postgraduates have passed out successfully from this department. It was increased to four admissions in 2010. At present, staff position of the department is as follows- two professors, one associate professor, five assistant professors and five tutors.
With recent advancement in teaching methods and tools in medical education the faculty members of the department headed by Dr R. Chitra who is trained in Harward’s T to T program implement various recent medical educational technologies in the routine schedule and try to help the undergraduate medical students as masters of anatomy in their first MBBS.


S.NoDepartmentName of the FacultyEducational QualificationDesignationRegistration NumberPhoto
1AnatomyChitra RamasamyMD, DNBProfessor & HODAPMC  -35491
2AnatomyMulla Pairoja SulthanaMDAssistant ProfesorAPMC  -48010 
3AnatomyJatthavath JyothiMDAssistant ProfesorAPMC  -1006306