


The present Department of Community Medicine (SPM) of Siddhartha Medical College, Vijayawada was established in the Year 1982.In the initial period Dr. S. Narasimha Reddy was the Head of the Dept. Presently headed by Dr. P. Madhavi, M.D.

 This Department is ably conducting field activities at various Rural and Urban areas under their field practice area to train UGs, Interns, PGs is being provided regularly. Family adoption programme is being conducted by the department complying to the norms laid by NMC. This Department is efficiently conducting Health camps in Rural and Urban areas under the NSS Programme regularly along with conduction of Blood Donation Camps and Health awareness campaigns. 

They are also a part of many ongoing National Health Programmes and health care amenities like Ayushman Bharat, Telemedicine, TELE MANAS, preventive oncology to name a few. Dept. has been actively involved in various activities like Pulse Polio immunization programme, Mission Indradhanush. Projects under DFID – Development Fund for International Development and project regarding INH Chemo prophylaxis under RNTCP were conducted. A part from this community activites like CKD survey, Fever survey, Air Pollution survey are conducted among 10,000 population residing in field area. Faculty rendered their invaluable services during the difficult times of Covid-19 Pandemic onset by doing Contact Tracing in 2020. 

This Department is actively involved in conducting research activities aswellas research methodology workshops for both UG’s and PG’s.


S.NoName of the FacultyEducational QualificationDesignationRegistration Number
1Pothukuchi MadhaviMDProfessor & HODAPMC - 35758
2Kasi SrinivasMDAssociate ProfessorAPMC - 34230
3Surapaneni NeelimaMDAssociate ProfessorAPMC - 42761
4Mujibur Rehman ShaikMDAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 71840
5Vamsi Krishna UndavalliMDAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 61984
6Donipudi Pavan ChandMDAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 60282
7Chappidi MounicaMDAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 84610
8Prabhakar Akurathi  MDAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 52593
9Krishna Kishore AliginaMDAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 68628
10Asha Parveen SayyadMDAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 65275
11Chivukula Satya KishoreMDAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 82368
12Bhanu Kiran DhaniyalaMDAssistant ProfessorAPMC - 79738
13Valluri Venkata Vara PrasadM Phil & PhdStatisticianNA
14Mohan Chandra Sekhar GollamandalaMDSenior ResidentAPMC/FMR - 104012
15Lukka Vijaya Kiran BediMBBSTutorAPMC/FMR - 100287
16Jangamreddy Vybhav ReddyMBBSTutorAPMC/FMR - 117780
17Ashwini P RMBBSTutorAPMC/FMR - 129013
18Harishkumar RMBBSTutorAPMC/FMR -  110496 & TNMC - 154979
19R.JahnaviMBBSTutorAPMC/FMR -  105845
20Rakesh Anil VarikutiMBBSTutorAPMC/FMR -  61350
21Thirumagal SMBBSTutorAPMC/FMR -  117493 & TNMC - 149950